Supplying digital and flexibility services
Our commitment to Germany’s clean energy future extends to our service offer. To support the country’s ambitions, EDF supplies flexibility services, digital solutions and help drive the transition to smart cities. The Group provides engineering expertise for both dismantling and decommissioning of nuclear power plants, gas transport network and gas storage as well as being active on the energy trading market.

Services to the German market
The future of energy lies in innovative business models and EDF provides flexibility services to the German market. Our subsidiary Energy2market specialises in the aggregation of local flexibilities, as well as renewable production and also a frontrunner in providing new digital services to the German energy market. To ensure predictive maintenance, our EDF start-up Metroscope offers digital twin and artificial intelligence diagnoses of power generation assets and industrial installations.

Energy trading
EDF Trading is a leading wholesale market specialist in the European energy markets offering power, gas, emissions, coal and oil hedging services as well as portfolio management to Stadtwerke and other German industrials. Products range from day ahead to 10 year fixed price solutions. In a growing world of green energy solutions, EDFT is a major participant in the compliance and voluntary carbon markets. Products include Guarantees of Origin in Europe, RECs in the US and International RECs around the world. For Carbon offset requirements EDFT has a large range of certificates solutions including VER or Gold Standard certificates. EDF Trading also offers a variety of PPA products including long term PPAs and fixed price PPAs for post-subsidy new builds or those developers who want to optimise subsidised assets with merchant market services.

Real estate consulting
The urban energy transition in Germany is at the center of our activities: our teams provide customized solutions covering everything from integrated urban planning and urban infrastructure to smart energy systems for the sustainable growth of cities, local communities and industries.
At Urbanomy, an EDF spin-off, we provide strategic, technical and economic advice to our clients for the decarbonisation of real estate, while our EIFER research centre specialises in electro-mobility and smart city innovation.

Engineering services
With our joint venture Framatome GmbH we provide engineering services for the decommissioning and dismantling of thermal and nuclear power plants in Germany.

Gas services
EDF offers storage for natural gas in salt cavities in Lower Saxony through a joint venture with EnBW. Thyssengas GmbH owns 4,200km of gas transportation pipelines serving industrial and municipal clients in North-Rhine-Westphalia. Every year, up to around 6 billion cubic meters of natural gas are transported safely and in an environmentally friendly manner. EDF Invest and the Dutch fund DIF hold each a 50% stake in Thyssengas.