EDF gives you the possibility to interface an IoT (Internet of Things) world to your every day needs. Thanks to Citysolution platform, you can interact in real-time with the whole sensors and electronics deployed all over your area.

A tailor-made offer

Citysolution offer is designed to help you select the best solution for your needs. Depending on your environment, the experts will propose proven solutions that fit the specificities of your project.

A limitless field of actions

With Citysolution, you can gather data from different sources and interconnect them to create added-value. The teams are available to design specific actions depending on your expectations. With Citysolution, the only limit is the one you define.

They trusted us

Some cities and port have already started to work with us and to connect their infrastructure to a futuristic digital platform.

Port Camargue

What is the project: solve the problem of over consumption, bring interactive information to the port users

Our part in it: select the devices, realize the RF (radio-frequency) coverage study and design the network. Provide the platform and propose a customized solution for the desires of the client.

What benefits our input created in the project: reduction of energy and water wastes, better interaction between the people working at Port Camargue and its users, proposition of other functionalities such as intrusion, fires or mooring problems.